Okoboji Middle School


Recognitions: K-12 Projects 2022

Project Description

Determined to consolidate their buildings into one town, this rural district focused on locating their new middle school onto the high school property to co-share staff and provide new opportunities for the young students. Middle school students can now take advance classes at the high school without commuting across town and losing educational class time. Servicing 5th-8th grade students, the building uses the cafeteria/locker area as the central node of circulation, separating the 5th-6th classroom wing from the 7th-8th classroom wing and isolating athletics, band, and choir to keep noises isolated from the classrooms. Throughout the building are multiple public and semi-private collaboration spaces for student use, both in small groups and large group configurations. Several collaboration areas utilize technology integration, while other areas provide simple soft seating nodes for more casual interactions. Evaluation of building usage for afterhours activities was heavily reviewed and designed into the building to facilitate community use, community and District athletic teams, and fine art programs. This resulted in key access point locations, interior access door controls, and easy operations of lighting and HVAC for non-district personnel. This has resulted in the building being used from sunrise to sunset, creating a significant community asset for this rural community. Translucent clerestory windows and translucent skylights provide diffused natural daylight throughout the building supplying bright circulation spaces, collaboration areas, and classroom environments. The building primarily is steel frame construction with by-pass steel stud exterior walls, with spray foam insulation encapsulating the envelop covered with brick and metal panel veneers.